Pôle Emploi Novaxud | Le Mans

The construction of the Bepos building, home to Pôle Emploi offices, is part of the Novaxud programme – a 12,000 m2 real estate project. The Pôle Emploi building combines the priorities of its destination as an office building: divisibility, accessibility, flexibility of its modules and comfort. Brightness, legibility and diversity of spaces are also paramount. […]
Centre de Recherche Alphatech | Venette

Alphatech is the International Research and Development Centre, called ‘CRD’. It is part of ‘IAS’ (Inergy Automotive Systems) division, specializing in the production of fuel-gas tank systems. The new CRD Alphatech is located on an area of eight hectares, owned by Plastic Omnium, and the building itself stretches over 22,000 m2. This project enabled ‘IAS’ […]
Crédit Agricole HQ | Le Mans

With its new headquarters Anjou-Maine in the University district, Crédit Agricole has invested in the latest technologies, particularly in the energy field, to design a building meeting the High Environmental Quality standards. Breathable curtain wall facades are the main technical feature of this project. Stretching over a surface of more than 10,000 m2, the HQs […]
CNFPT | Lille

The new CNFPT gathers in one place the training facilities scattered around the city of Lille. The outcome is a sustainable building, both in environmental and economic terms. Stretching over an elongated surface, the volume is fragmented into multiple facades of different heights to add a dynamic quality to the outline. The hall features a […]
CNEN | Montrouge

Part of EDF Energy, the CNEN is an engineering division that employs nearly 1,000 people. The project is composed of three 6-storey buildings. The office floors as well as the canteen on the ground floor offer a beautiful view on the private landscape garden. The office spaces overlooking the garden are freely adaptable and convertible […]
Royal Society of London | RSL

The refurbishment of The Royal Society’s building provided the perfect opportunity to highlight a piece of London’s architectural heritage. The project aimed at creating additional facilities for exhibitions, seminars, media events and video conferencing. Key to the project was the creation of a new atrium in a former light well as a focus to the […]
AmEx Card HQ | Paris

Located in Rueil-Malmaison, Paris, the French American Express HQ for credit cards processing is a business complex composed of two buildings “Berry & Wells” – built at different times and connected to each other. Amex decided to undertake some major works in order to rehabilitate and refurbish the workspaces and common areas. Such improvements are […]
AmEx Travel | Paris

Following an internal restructuring, all Amex Travel staff were relocated to new standalone offices. Several offices across the Paris region were therefore to move to a new facility, intended to promote innovation by being interconnected, energising and agile. With this in mind, the design included for fully interactive zones, focussed zones, quiet ‘library’, social ‘hub’, […]
WeWork | Paris La Fayette

The Axel Schoenert Architects Agency has been mandated by WeWork to restructure the building located at 33 rue Lafayette in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. This colossal operation takes place on an area of 12,000 square meters in collaboration with the WeWork teams. With an architectural past, Art Deco style with a monumental glass roof […]
IBM | Auckland

IBM were, in conjunction with Landlords, funding the modernisation of their existing offices and data IBM centres across Australia and New Zealand. IBM undertook these works as part of a larger operation to condense their property portfolio and improve staff working conditions. The 3,000m2 fit out across two floors of existing office space in Auckland […]