The main objective of the construction project of the new Le Mans Pôle Santé Sud was to gather two major entities of the local private health care: on one side, the Vedici group CMCM clinics (Saint-Côme - Les Sources and Sainte-Croix) for medicine and surgery; on the other, the Maine-based Tertre-rouge Clinics by Michel Lelièvre for obstetrics. The outcome provides the local community with a 390-bed polyclinic featuring an 18-room operating theatre, a dialysis centre, a medical imaging centre, a laboratory, a maternity ward and multidisciplinary consultation rooms.

Centre Soins-Études | Sablé-sur-Sarthe
Based on the site of the former Sablé-sur-Sarthe hospital, the operation consisted in rehabilitating the vacant premises. The goal was to give birth to a